2 races a week lol how much free time ya think i got?lmao i agree we need more team races!why?FUN. we will see what the turn out for the halloween shootout is and we will make a series up according to how much turn out is accomplished on the 30th. dont get me wrong i would really like a chance to race vlr members once a week.come up with 10 tracks we will race them every wednesday at noon?who wants add on tracks?
post your choices for tracks you the memebers would like to race ranked 1-10 votes count the tracks with the most votes are the ones we race.democracy aint it grand g&g
I know I said no league races when I created VLR, because I can never make them, lol. But, I think that we could probably do that, even tho, I am still stickin' to the theory that I will never be able to make it lol. Perhaps, the VLR league could be a branch from the VLR team, what do you think? VLR_Dirt, and VLR_gg could keep control of the league site, and I could maintain control of this one, and my new one that I just made, I think it would be cool...Dirt and gg could control who gets in, because to run a league, you need a lot of members, because, only a small percentage of them show up, lmao...Making VLR a league has been quite an important thought to me...But now all we would have to do is create a new site for the league, while still having this team site, and VLR_G&Gracing would be prez of the league and Dirt VP or something, and all three of us could pitch in and edit site, with upcoming racing news, and whoever is in VLR league would automatically be on VLR team. I hope all of this is making since lol. And, you guys can determine how the points would be measured. But, if someone from Team VLR didn't show up for any races, we still wouldn't kick them because I said I wouldn't when I created VLR, but that would be nice if everyone could show up, I would leave you guys up to signing new members. Wait, Wait, Wait, I just read gg's reply to your league race question, lol, a little different from what I was thinkin' but still the same general idea, right? It will be up to gg if he decides that we should create a site, and I will get it started for you guys if you want me to, k? So let us know. I read that it said, Wednesday at Noon...Well, I kinda got school then...so, uhhh...we may have to change that part if gg want's even tho, I wouldn't be able to make them anyway probably, lol, I may get lucky occasionally, lmao. Later guys, and gg and I will discuss it together and work it out, thanx for askin', like he said, "We will find out on the 30th, so gather up all your buds lol.
no one else had replied but the same three of us.disheartening to say the least.AS i recall all i heard was we want to race more so this leads me to one of two conclusions 1]no one checks the site.2} noone else is interested. either way kinda disappointing.
any day is cool to race but fridays as long as its in the morning to early afternoon hours.As far as a league for me to put forth the effort to run it and plan it id have to see Alot more post wanting it.Is that wrong?nah didnt think so.but i am all for it if the rest of you show your behind it. G&G
Well, I think every other Saturday would work if you guys agree on it...but not so fast. It is a good Idea, but to switch from a "team to a leauge" may take some time. I think most people who join teams have this opinion, "Well, if we never run league races, why should I check out the site, It ain't like I'm gonna miss anything", and I think that is a bad stereotype. To make VLR a league, we will have to sign quite a few members, which our current total probably isn't near enough. I just wanted to say that I consider everyone that I have signed in VLR to be fast, and if you see anyone while racing who is as fast, or better yet "Faster" than you, while also being clean, and they seem to be interested, PLEASE LET US KNOW, because, if we make this a league, we will have to have good members, who are competitive racers...Also, I am thinking about passing a rule for all the new member's we sign, making it mandatory to register a username to use with the forums, because that is the only way of us being able to tell who is actually coming to the site, and when...And we'll say that if they don't check out the forums, for oh say....3 weeks maybe, then we will kick them off of the team, Do you all think that is fair?? Not saying you will have to post on the forum, but rather just check it out occasionaly. I guess that is all I had to say, lol, so Cya Later guys,
sounds completely fair and i know a "league" is far in the future but i do recommend more team races to bring us all together for a purpose.
I am a firm believe that if ya dont contribute to a team your better left off the team.Post ideas post opinions ask questions pretty much act like ya give a care.I personally worked my hind end off to get on the team i work it off now so i can hand shock his hind end lmao.
Seriously, read the news we want team input.the guestbook is cool but i hardly ever check it lol so post questions here takes like a minute to register it isnt hard so do it! dont read the forum mumble your opinion under your breath post your opinion!ok i beat this horse enough but understand this horse isnt dead yet.
VLR is movin' on up, lol!! WOW, we have signed a few new member's lately, and they are all zoomin! So if ya wanna league, you will get it, soon enuff, so we encourage you to USE THE FORUM, and voice your opinions, believe me, we will not shrug your suggestions off, we take them seriously, and we will do everything in our power to make them a reality, YOU ASK WE GIVE, Thanx to Dirt's question, we will now be turning VLR into a league, once we get it all set up, even tho it will probably a different site, but still the same team, you can join the team and not be in the league if you want, also. So thanx, and yes it kinda sucks that, me, gg, Dirt, and occasionaly Matt, are the only ones that ever write anything, lol.
Hey guys im all for the league thing i think it would be fun only thing is i still attend school till 3:15 but sat would be great i can make anytime after3:15 or anytime sat and sun jus let me no thanx VLR_RimRider
Well guys, after reading one of my league post ideas, lol...I saw where I wrote, "well gg, me, dirt, and occasionally matt, are the only ones that ever post one here it seems"...well, I take that comment back, lol, it seems like since we posted that, we have gotten some new members that care, and speak there minds on here, about making progression with VLR and whatever else may be on there mind lol, so once again the league picture pops into play, I thought the Shootout turnout was pretty good, but, I will make a final decision after the Rodeo/Terre Race, In early December about having a league, It will run on Sat's if we do, and we will come up with points and all that good stuff lol, so let us know, later