Hey guys, 3on3 is almost here, if you have joined it already sign here, and leave the days, and times, that you could make it on a regular basis, if you do not sign quick enough, you may be kicked out of it...and also if you would like to join, plz sign here as well, because we may need more members for back up, to add to our team, I need to know soon, so we can get started, Thanx
3on3 Hey sign me up ,I can race just about any nights . I can race any time on weekends ,(weekends for racen ) ???????????? what tracks , and classes rdrunner_21
That would be Awesome Rdrunner!! Our first match is against TSL, all we race is the game lates, and the first race is at Bloomington, Thanks for your interest and I will get ya signed up, Thanx
Okay guys, here is the 3on3 order that I pick, the top 3 will be the starters and the rest are backup...in case one of you can't show up for a race,
1. VLR/3o3_G&G
2. VLR/3o3_Dirt
3. VLR/3o3_rdrunner
4. VLR/3o3_Neon
Our first race is against TSL, but Dirt and rdr need to lemme know when they can make it tho still yet so I can tell TSL Prez, and we can race sooner, First Race is at Bloom, GOOD LUCK, G&G is in the .90's there and rdr just cracked 10.87 earlier I think, and I dunno dirts, but our chances are lookin' good lol, good luck guys, Can't wait,
Well, TSL says their ready!!! So hurry up lol, and we will get started, I asked them if the weekends would be good, and so I will wait to say what they say, But, I can't wait lol, Later
hey guys i am about to get the dtr2 on . still working but close!!!!. i was woundering i maybe once i get it going if i could race on 3on3 with u guys???. weekends are good or after 7:00 if i dont have homework. ty.
vlr matt
Im a redneck, im a redneck, im a redneck, HEY, HEY, HEY!!!!
quote:Matthew Woehl