Hey guys, well, if you wanna join VLR, here are the late model speeds that you must beat to be able to join...Maybe soon we will start having tryouts again to look for new talent, but I think G&G is the only one who can create a server...if others can then you can sign below...The reason we didn't hold tryouts before, is because we wanted to look for the talent, rather than getting below average racers...as determined by us...and it was hard to turn some guys away, even if they weren't the best, but if we set our own standards and have them to beat it, then It will work out, so if you see any guys with times, as fast, or faster than these times, let us know, and talk to them about VLR, and point them to our site. I know these times may be a little strict, but we are getting faster, and bigger if you ask me, so that means we need to sign even faster members, later