Hey gg, Well you haven't been on in a long time, and you have missed a lot lol...VLR has gotten a lot better. Most teams don't survive but for like a couple month's or so but compared to other's we are one of the longest lasting DTR2 teams there is, and like I told Dude..."If there is even just one racer left in DTR2, then VLR will still be goin'," so we have even gotten a whole lot better in just the time you have been gone, but of course, rdrunner has somehow gotten better to and he is very fast, but VLR is getting closer, as far as speed and cleaniness and almost all of our member's are equal, so that's cool. Even I am gettin' faster, I know, I know, I was already the faster driver in DTR2 as it was, but I found room for improvement, lmao, Nawww, but I love racing in DTR2 and seeing VLR guys getting out there and kicking butt. Stick around cause we ain't goin' anywhere!! Later bud, Welcome back To VLR,