Guys, I spent all morning practically reading all of the forum posts from way back when...WOW, A lot of ideas have came and went...mostly about forming a league from VLR. The members have came and went. Some of the strong supporters of the league, like VLR_G&G, has now left, hopefully to return again someday...But, I made some promises about a league back in those old posts, and now they have a lot to do with where VLR is at now...I would like to thank GG for the Awesome Ideas he had, and looking back, I could see that he was really wanting to help take us somewhere...and he has definently helped, or I probably wouldn't be typing this right now...And, if you guys want to become a league as bad as he did, here is your chance...Racing will start very soon, if I get enough replys in the email I sent out earlier, so you guys better write back, cause this most likely will be the last time that the league scenario pops up. Razz and I are working on the concept of it as we speak, and we will let you know anything...but here is the potential schedule, and shortly after these race we will begin season three, and the dawn of a new era in VLR, if the opinions are given...Speak you minds, It has been drilled into everyones heads since the beginning, your racing skills have shown us that you can drive, now we have to keep you happy, and make new racer's look to joining...Guys, we can do about anything we want now, we just need opinions. If we all want the same goal, to be the best team ever, we are going to all have to work together, or else, it wouldn't be right to call us a team. But, anyway, here is a potential schedule, we just need opinions! Write below, or email me what you think. Thanks, VLR_Shock
SATURDAY APRIL 16, 2005 12:30 P.M. EASTERN---------------------Eagle (40)
SATURDAY APRIL 23, 2005 12:30 P.M. EASTERN---------------------Peakview (25)
SATURDAY APRIL 30, 2005 12:30 P.M. EASTERN---------------------ACR v.2( (??)
SATURDAY MAY 7, 2005 12:30 P.M. EASTERN---------------------Sunday Springs(40)
SATURDAY MAY 14, 2005 12:30 P.M. EASTERN---------------------41st(35)
WEDNESDAY MAY 25, 2005 6:30 P.M. EASTERN---------------------Spindale(60)
Good line up of tracks however I got one tiny little problem.Having the job that i do (limo company dipatcher) i have a lot of freedom because i can work from home quite a bit. But the other side is that my busy times revolve around the rest of the worl'd's time off. So i can do the Saturday thing but only if it were at say 10am central or earlier because i have to work on Saturdays at noon but to be honest my boss pays me cash to do the friday night saturday early am shift which is usually his so i almost always take him up on it. The good part is between 7am and 1130am on Saturdays were usually pretty dead. So if we're going to race every Saturday then ifor me it would be alot better if it were just a touch earlier. I am off on thursday all day and friday untill 5pm usually. At 5 i work for my bos like stated before. But i like the idea of a Monday "Get Your Motor On" or a Thursday "Track of Thunder" at 8 or 9 pm better myself.
Thats my 2 cents
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The Breakfast of Champions. go ahead have pick some up Today. Aint nothin better thatn a Spam and Egg sandwhich when ya first wake up.
Well Razz, I guess we will have to move it back an hour or so...So, I hope VLR guys aren't lazy, lol...cause for some people like matt, that means getting up pretty early in ND...We can't do the Monday or Thursday thing, lol...cause Monday is when EVR races, and Thursday is when IGGR races, lol...and if we are going to be open, that may conflict with some of the non-members...So, I guess we could start running 10:30 a.m. Sat. mornings, but I am not sure if I could make it then...but I will try. Thanks for your opinions razz. Later,
Tuesday, huh?...guess I should have asked first before making them all Saturday, lmao. Razz, you usually made the Saturday races before though, I think...I guess for this six week thing they will still all be on Saturday Morning at 10:30 a.m., and I will have to send out another e-mail. Then, I will bump the other one back to Tuesday Night, and it will start at 8:30 p.m for like a night race, k. Hope this helps...if and when we start a league it will probably change though, I just need more input from some of the members. Thanks,