Im holding a dtr2 tournment that works like this we gather 16 or more players to compete in the tournment then I make a braket that has all the players listed there will be 2-3 people in each race of the first round then if there is 3 people in each race of the round then 2 go to the next round if there is only 2 in each race of the round then 1 gose to the next round
now in each round the track,class,type of car,track wetness,&laps per race will change the first round will be in 1-2 weeks so there will be time to gather players and there will be a prize to win the tournment and the entry is free who ever win's will need to give me a adress or I will send it by paypal the prize will depend on the amount of players 16 or less players $10 to win 17-24 $15 25-36 $20 and 37 and up $25 and the player that Looses in the final round will win $5 no mater the amount of players o and each round will take 2 days u pick the day thats best for u and if both of u pick differnt days i will try to figure something out I will pick days soon as i can
now save all your replays and send them to me to prove who won the round if u both did not agree on who won it or if u think one of u cheated send them to me if needed by email at or in a private massage on my site now that is said if anyone is wanting to play e mail me with your user name for dtr2 or if u have any other questions for me.